Re: [Xen-devel] bitkeeper gone in 2 weeks - which RCS?
Paul Larson wrote:
On Wed, 2005-06-15 at 22:35 +0100, Ian Pratt wrote:
BTW: We now run our own bkd because bkbits.net hasn't been very reliable
recently. the unstable tree is available as
If you don't want to use bk, the open source bk-client and sourcepuller
both work fine against it. I expect we'll continue to mirror stuff
through to BK regardless.
Hopefully we'll get a hg mirror on xenbits.xensource.com soon as well.
Since it looks like things are leaning more towards mercurial at the
moment, I decided to check it out. I hadn't previously paid much
attention to it since I could see that any projects were making use of
it and thought it was just too early in development to be practical. I
have to admit I was very impressed with several aspects of it, but it
does seem to be lacking in a number of areas as well.
I don't know if this feature is important to anyone but me, but hg
currently doesn't allow you to pull a specific revision, making testing
back through versions to find the point where something broke very
Mercurial looks further along than some of the other new SCM projects
(such as bzr), and it does look usable, but the ability to diff previous
revisions does seem rather essential for a revision control system. :)
On the other hand, the easy interoperation with git would be helpful.
Another possible option might be Bazaar (baz, not bzr). It uses the
Arch format and interoperates with Arch, but the user-interface is far
more usable, and has a relatively low learning curve from CVS/SVN/etc
(unlike tla). It has all the distributed features one might want, and
it has the advantage that all the tools designed around arch still work.
There's a useful quick-start guide for Bazaar at
http://usefulinc.com/edd/blog/contents/2005/05/04-bazaar/read .
- Josh Triplett
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