[Xen-cim] Requirements and priorities for SLES10 SP1
The following unfulfilled Xen CIM requirements for SLES10 SP1 were
compiled by Gareth and I at MDC. I took a stab at prioritizing - in
descending order. Feel free to add anything that I might have missed or
comment on priority. We can iterate on this for a few days and carve up
the work after agreement has been reached.
* Xend needs to support access by root on the local host without
authentication. Not all CIMOMs provide credentials of authenticated
user at provider level. This should be working in xen-unstable but need
support in the providers. Need to implement a minimal http client that
can connect to Unix domain socket exposing Xen API.
* Need support for add/remove/modify of VM resouces. This corresponds
to AddResourceSettings(), ModifyResourceSettings(),
RemoveResourceSettings(), and ModifySystemSettings() operations on
CIM_VirtualSystemManagementService. Implementing these methods allow
adding block devices to a VM, memory ballooning, CPU pinning, etc.
* Need asynchronous method support. In CIM terms, this means Job
support. In XenAPI terms, the Task class provides asynchronous support
through XenAPI.
* Indication support. What indications do we want to support? Just
lifecycle events, e.g. VM destroyed, VM deactivated, etc. or indications
for device added or device removed as well.
* Migration support. This is not baked in the CIM model and XenAPI does
not currently support it. We can roll our own modeling but need
migration support via XenAPI.
* Need as much metrics support as possible. Get it from
frontend/backend drivers to avoid going inband. Probably no way to get
descent metrics on memory except inband. Guest is only one that can
give reasonable memory metrics.
* Ability to specify GUI config via CIM, i.e. VNC, SDL, PV framebuffer.
* Support for ResourcePoolConfigurationService on some pool types, e.g.
ProcessorPool.This functionality will support for example removing PCPUs
from the pool and dedicate to management domain, thus restricting set of
PCPUs available for consumption by VMs. Does xen support this? Can we
mask PCPUs such that they are not available to VMs?
* Capabilities support.
- Capabilities of host system
- Capabilities of resource pools
- Capabilities representing mutability of allocated RASD
* exec query support in providers. Would make association
implementation easier since we can get target endpoints using exec query
instead of the current filtering approach.
* Support for 'driver domains', i.e. PCI pass-thru.
* Support for snapshots and cloning? CIM modeling currently has no
support for snapshots and clone. Xen API defines a VM clone operation
but how is storage handled? Management clients could handle cloning and
snapshotting via a combination of CIM and other mechanisms. For example
'save' a VM via CIM and copy saved file off along with snapshot of
storage that was performed via non-CIM mechanism.
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