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Re: [Xen-devel] xen, OpenMosix + pretty gui = virtual iron killer

openMosix and Xen have obviously been around before they even formed as a company (which doesn't exclude they acquired prior intellectual property). On the other hand, you can get a patent on pretty much anything today, provided you carefully reword things.

The market is much better at sorting out why it should pay for something that it can get for free somewhere else.

"Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony" (Morpheus in The Matrix)


On Feb 17, 2005, at 2:13 AM, Brian Wolfe wrote:

*chuckle* this is what I've been looking into for over a year now. If
they try to patent it, I'd think it'll fail the "non-obvious"
clause. ;-P

For being founded in March 2003 it seems a rather rapid development to
have been completely proprietary. I'd LOVE to find out if they are
leaching off of OpenMOSIX+XEN in some way.

I did notice that they joined OSDL
http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/31320/ as a part of the Data Center
Linux working group.

Maybe they patented the idea of xen+mosix. who knows. anyone?

Brian Wolfe
TerraBox.com Inc.

On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 01:05 +0000, Jerry Normandin wrote:

I was at Linux World today and stopped by the Virtual Iron booth. Could this be a copy of xen technology? Virtual Iron appears to be a combination of xen and open mosix technology. Has anyone tried running xen on an Open Mosix cluster? With the new Infiniband hardware out I bet we could build an effecient cluster. I can test with low end hardware for now, I don't have the $$$ to buy two dell poweredge 6600 series servers and some Infiniband equipment. But I can
build a 2 node AMD cluster with a gigibit interconnect for test.

I kind of confronted the sales engineer at LinuxWorld and asked, "hey does this products' roots from Xen and OpenMosix?" The attendant got pretty angry and said "If Xen used Open Mosix to come up with a competing soultion they would sue!" What a jerk! This company has no clue what open source is about! I say, as a community, lets do it! If we can get true virtualization on the
hardware so we can be OS agnostic that would be even better.

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