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Re: [Xen-users] Bond question

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Bond question
From: Donny Brooks <dbrooks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 15:40:24 -0600
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On 2/16/2011 3:31 PM, Paras pradhan wrote:

I have several nics (1Gbps) in my server running xen 3 by Redhat.

When I check /proc/net/bonding/pbond0 , i see it is running in 100mbps only.

Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.4.0-1 (October 7, 2008)

Bonding Mode: fault-tolerance (active-backup)
Primary Slave: None
Currently Active Slave: eth6
MII Status: up
MII Polling Interval (ms): 100
Up Delay (ms): 0
Down Delay (ms): 0

Slave Interface: eth6
MII Status: up
Speed: 100 Mbps
Duplex: full
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 00:26:b9:66:2f:43

Slave Interface: eth7
MII Status: up
Speed: 100 Mbps
Duplex: full
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 00:26:b9:66:2f:45

Is this normal?

I have other two bonds as well. They are fine and running in 1Gbps speed.

What went wrong with the 1st bond?


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Depending on your switch you may need to force the speed option. I had to in my Cisco 4507R.
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