Re: [Xen-users] Bootable LiveDVD w/ Xen that boots Windows Image?
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 11:13 PM, Joshua
Kinard<joshua.kinard@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Think I cracked it. Don't even need to deal with qemu's qcow stuff (so far).
> - echo 0 $(blockdev --getsize /dev/loop0) snapshot /dev/loop0 /dev/loop1 n 64
> | dmsetup create xpcow
> This maps our baseline WinXP image (xp.img) to /dev/loop0 and a scratch area
> to /dev/loop1 (I don't even know if this is needed just yet). Needed because
> dmsetup only works with block devices. Using dmsetup, a snapshot is created,
> so that all writes to loop0 get redirected to loop1, and creates a device,
> /dev/mapper/xpcow.
Good one! I know about LVM snapshot, but didn't know you can do that
with dmsetup. Thanks for the info.
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