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Re: [Xen-users] lvm+drbd+xen problem

To: Daniel Asplund <danielsaori@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] lvm+drbd+xen problem
From: Gabriele kalus <gabriele.kalus@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 08:39:11 +0200
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Hi Daniel,

I get this behaviour when the DomUs are installed on a drbd device as a block device and the DomUs are active on them. I can't use the "drbd:RESOURCE" since I'm using the drbd v0.7.22 shipped with SLES10 and not drbd 8.x. I am using "phy:/dev/drbdx" when the Xen host dies on me.
I don't get anything in the log files since the Xen host hangs 
instantly, I don't get anything in the passive Xen host either, except 
some normal lines that it lost contact with the other Xen host.
Jun 13 11:20:44 vh2 kernel: drbd0: PingAck did not arrive in time.
Jun 13 11:20:44 vh2 kernel: drbd0: drbd0_asender [17646]: cstate Connected --> NetworkFailure
Jun 13 11:20:44 vh2 kernel: drbd0: asender terminated
Jun 13 11:20:44 vh2 kernel: drbd0: drbd0_receiver [17590]: cstate NetworkFailure --> BrokenPipe Jun 13 11:20:44 vh2 kernel: drbd0: short read expecting header on sock: r=-512
Jun 13 11:20:44 vh2 kernel: drbd0: worker terminated
Jun 13 11:20:44 vh2 kernel: drbd0: drbd0_receiver [17590]: cstate BrokenPipe --> Unconnected
Jun 13 11:20:44 vh2 kernel: drbd0: Connection lost.
Jun 13 11:20:44 vh2 kernel: drbd0: drbd0_receiver [17590]: cstate Unconnected --> WFConnection


Daniel Asplund wrote:
Hejsan Garbriele,

Just trying to get clear on when you are having this issue. So you
basically experience this when your DomU is directly using the DRBD
device? I assume you use "drbd:RESOURCE" on the disk config line? Have
you tried if you get the same behaviour with "phy:/dev/drbdx"?

Do you see anything in the log files when you pull the cable or does
it hang instantly?


I have tested to install the domUs on file systems on the drbd devices, i.e. 
with the drbd devices mounted and it also works as it should.

But when I install the domUs on physical devices /dev/drbdx for the domUs and 
pull the network cable between the replicating nics the Xen host with the domUs 
running hangs.
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Gabriele Kalus, Ph.D.
Lund University, Physics Department
Box 118 SE-22100 Lund, SWEDEN
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