Re: [Xen-devel] Please help on Xen installation
> Thanks Keir. The noroot works great. I found the problem and it's very
> stupid. I didn't update the root partition information to /dev/hda2 after
> I copied the grub entry. Everything seems working fine. Yahoo! Although I
> haven't built any other domains yet.
> There are a few lines I don't know if I can safely ignore them when
> machine booted. Such as,
> ioctl 80041272 not supported by xl_block
This line is just to remind us that we currently don't support
multi-session CDROMs. Please ignore (like we do :-)
> ioperm not fully supported - ignore resource release
Again, this is to remind me that I'm lazy SOB and thus have a
slight pang of guilt whenever I see it. Please ignore.
> And since my NIC ne2000 is not supported yet, is the dummy interface
> all I need if I don't want to access other hosts? In other words, only
> exchange information among domains.
The dummy interface should be autodetected, and you should be
able to access other domains on the same machine just fine.
> Finally, I don't know where I can download the latest code for xenolinux
> so I downloaded your pre-built version. The bitkeeper repository is only
> for the hypervisor.
The xenolinux-2.4.22-sparse directory in the bitkeeper repository
contains all the source modifications. See the
"tools/mics/xeno-clone" script for how to take a normal linux
2.4.22 tree and patch is as xenolinux.
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