Re: [Xen-devel] Please help on Xen installation
Thanks Keir. The noroot works great. I found the problem and it's very
stupid. I didn't update the root partition information to /dev/hda2 after
I copied the grub entry. Everything seems working fine. Yahoo! Although I
haven't built any other domains yet.
There are a few lines I don't know if I can safely ignore them when
machine booted. Such as,
ioctl 80041272 not supported by xl_block
ioperm not fully supported - ignore resource release
And since my NIC ne2000 is not supported yet, is the dummy interface
all I need if I don't want to access other hosts? In other words, only
exchange information among domains.
Finally, I don't know where I can download the latest code for xenolinux
so I downloaded your pre-built version. The bitkeeper repository is only
for the hypervisor.
Thanks and regards,
On Fri, 10 Oct 2003, Keir Fraser wrote:
> > Hi Keir,
> >
> > I think if it's not too trouble, it will be more user friendly to have a
> > parameter such as 'noautoreboot' or 'debug=level' to pass into the kernel.
> > And it will hang or print more info if something wrong.
> Right. Either you can pull the latest bk repository from bkbits.net
> and build it yourself, or you can take the Xen and Xenolinux images
> prebuilt from:
> http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~kaf24/xen.gz
> http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~kaf24/xenolinux.gz
> The former is a replacement for your current 'image.gz'. The other is
> a replacement for your 'xenolinux.gz'.
> Specify 'noreboot' on Xen's command line. You will then get some
> useful info out. Even better would be a complete listing of Xen
> output. This would require you to have a second computer and connect
> it via a null modem cable.
> As for your other machine (which gave you random characters on teh
> serial output) you need to set ser_baud to teh same baud rate that
> GRUB is using. You'll then get useful output from that machien to find
> out why it too is rebooting.
> > I have the source codes downloaded from sf. I look forward to having your
> > patch and some instructions. And if you need help on the FAQ or manul
> > please let me know I am learning anyway.
> If you'd like to create a Linux-style HOWTO then that would be very
> useful. As develoeprs of the system, it's very difficult for us to get
> a newcomer's perspective on teh problems of setting up a Xen-based
> system.
> Regards,
> Keir Fraser
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