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Re: [Xen-users] The death of XEN by Novell

I think he's not blaming XEN.
He only blames himself ;-)

Think we get a little bit offtopic ^^

There seem to be no wise reactions from him, regarding any suggestions.


Outback Dingo schrieb:
Somehow i dont get the concept of running a claimed multi-million dollar enterprise that he claims is loosing so much due to downtime in a virtual environment either let alone using windows for this type of task, but hey to each their own. the only right plan is a good plan, the only good plan is a redundent plan Id be afraid to ask what happens if they were to experience a catastrophic event, speaking from experience of Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Typhoons and Tsunamis What the escape plans ?? and you blame XEN for not functioning in a virtual environment, Id have your job and your bosses if you worked for me!
I wonder who sleeps better at night, you, your boss or me!

Tao Shen schrieb:

        First of all, your boss should fire you for saying "windows
        2008 sql server runs perfectly unless windows crashes"

        Secondly, whoever delivered the xen solution on your 200k per
        day production server should be fired for not understanding
        the concept of single point of failure.

        Now that you learned the lesson at 5k per hour,you should dump
        virtual machines and have redundant physical machines for
        mission critical services on your network.  For 200k a day,
        that is 72million a year revenue, you should have a budget of
        at least 5 to 7 mil to handle redundancy issues, which means
        double or even triple redundancy networks and San storage for
        database servers.

        Lastly, I think that either your boss bluffed you with 5k per
        hour cost of downtime, or you did, since I cannot imagine such
        incompetent people running a business valued at 15 times
        earning or hundreds of millions if your 72 million revenue
        figure is indeed correct.

        Btw, xen is maintained by citrix, not Novell.

        On Jul 20, 2008, at 11:36 AM, "Venefax" <venefax@xxxxxxxxx
        <mailto:venefax@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

            SQL Server only runs in Windows. I am now actually
            learning DB2 in order to
            use a Linux-based database. But of course I am not dumb to
            put my entire
            business on a database I cannot support, yet, the way I do
            with SQL Server.
            And the beauty is the with XEN-Windows 2008, SQL Server
            runs perfectly,
            unless Windows crashes.

            -----Original Message-----
            From: Florian Manschwetus
            Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 12:30 PM
            To: Mark Williamson
            Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
            <mailto:xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Venefax; jim burns
            Subject: Re: [Xen-users] The death of XEN by Novell

            Mark Williamson schrieb:

                On Sunday 20 July 2008, jim burns wrote:

                    On Sun July 20 2008 9:51:52 am Venefax wrote:

                        The Novell engineer showed me a technical
                        document, which I did not


                        the number, on the Novell web site, where it
                        said: windows SMP using the
                        Novell driver crashes.

                    That's what I thought - the problem is with
                    Novell's PV drivers, not Xen.
                    James had some initial problems with SMP also.

                Right, that's important.  Novell's PV drivers are
                their code so those


                might have limitations that plain Xen does not.
                 Presumably it would be
                possible to run using fully emulated IO instead of PV
                drivers but I


                this could have performance problems in your
                configuration.  Could be

            worth a

                try, if you can afford to experiment.

                If the Windows VMs themselves are crashing due to
                Novell's PV drivers then


                afraid this limitation / problem is really Novell's
                responsibility and


                would be the best people to approach for assistance /
                complaints.  The


                for those drivers isn't open, so only Novell can fix
                them.  If the Novell


                drivers are somehow crashing your Linux domains or
                dom0 or Xen itself then

                that might be a Xen bug and it would be useful to post
                more details here.

                For comparison, Citrix/XenSource supply with their
                product PV drivers for
                Windows that are - AFAIK - a different codebase and
                may not have these
                limitations.  So do Virtual Iron, for their Xen-based
                product.  Both of


                can only be used with their respective commercial
                hypervisors, AFAIK.


                Harper's PV drivers for Windows are GPL but still
                under development and so


                doubt they'd be recommended for heavy production use.

                There are a lot of different PV driver solutions for
                Windows about and

            none of

                them are officially part of the OSS Xen project; only
                one of them is even
                Open Source.

            I really wonder why you run your SQL servers in windows
            and all the rest
            in Linux???
            I asume especially for databases is Windows a bad base,
            but i have a
            win20008 sharepoint running on xen 3.2.1 with 2 vcpus it
            works great and
            stable with james drives.
            And if you like to use this single Box, you may ask SUN
            (Solaris and


                        I use a SIP Server on the Linux side, talking
                        hundreds of times per
                        second to SQL Server, so I need SMP 8 ways on
                        both  ends.

                    Something I've never seen you actually say is that
                    you *tried* vcpu=1,


                    the performance was bad. So far, it sounds like
                    theory to me. Even with 1
                    vcpu, playing with scheduling weights should help.

                Venefax, are you able to try this?

                Thank you,

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