Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH V5 2/3] libxl: Introduce libxl_internal_types
Ian Campbell writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH V5 2/3] libxl: Introduce
> Using a pattern rule is something of a hack. Another option might be to
> artificially split the multi pattern rule, e.g. do something like
> _libxl_xxx.c: _libxl_xxx.h
> _libxl_xxx.h: libxl.idl etc etc
> genwrap.py ... etc etc
> mv ...
This is the conventional way of solving this problem.
> At first I thought the better way was your use of .NOTPARALLEL but
> actually it is probably still running the rule multiple times for no
> reason and you have just worked around the problem with multiple
> parallel invocations of the mv's.
Yes, very likely.
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