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Re: [Xen-devel] RFC: 32 bits as smallest atomic size.

On 27 Mar 2005, at 04:34, Ronald G. Minnich wrote:

My issues with the Plan 9 port have all revolved around portability from
x86 to x86, due to the gcc-isms in the headers.

I don't think there are that many gcc-isms, apart from use of PACKED (please correct me if I'm wrong). You can always define that to nothing if you need to - I'd hope that no compiler adds padding since all fields should be naturally aligned. I don't see us moving to a model where we define macros on char arrays anytime soon. :-) But perhaps we could include a script to generate such macros from our structure definitions....

I know Kip Macy iss including our public headers into FreeBSD with -ansi, so we can't be that far from ISO code.

 -- Keir

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