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Re: [Xen-devel] RFC: 32 bits as smallest atomic size.

On 26 Mar 2005, at 17:49, Keir Fraser wrote:

I prefer to pack things explicitly rather than rely on ABI padding. My aim is to be able to document the interfaces separately from the C source, and that will include knowing the offset of each field, and that's easiest if the compiler isn't automatically helping by paddin things unexpectedly. If PACKED is too painful on a particular arch you can always stub it out -- it's only a macro after all.

Actually, one of the more interesting thing to discuss imo is how to structure the public interface headers to support multiple architectures. Is it feasible to strive for much commonality, or should each arch have its own public headers, or what? I don't have a good feel for what the best solution is going to be...

 -- Keir

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