RE: [Xen-devel] unstable binaries
> No. I ran the default testset (ltp-full-20050207) on xen0-2.0.4 and
> repeated the failed tests on different kernels (all 2.6.10):
> 1.770_FC3 (fedora errata kernel), vanilla, xen0-2.0-testing (2.3.),
> xen0-2.0-testing (4.3.). Except the FC3 kernel, they all had the same
> config (except options not present due to ARCH). The test "fcntl23"
> failed on all kernels, so it probably a fedora issue. The tests
> "ioperm02", "iopl02" and "nanosleep02" failed on all xen-kernels,
> and only on them. This is the output for "nanosleep02":
The iopl02 and ioperm02 failures are expected, but not at all serious.
We actually have a plan to virtualize iopl just to tidy this up.
nanosleep2 is a surprise -- I can't recall seeing this fail before. I
wander if its an Athlon issue...
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