Re: [Xen-devel] XEN 2.0.1/Xenolinux 2.6.9 domain0 not booting on Debian
> Hi all
> I am in the process of upgrading my XEN servers from 2.4 to 2.6 kernels
> as I am having better results on 2.6.
> However one machine (the big daddy) refuses to boot a 2.6.9 xenolinux
> kernel. It's an IBM eSeries xServer x205.
> I have selected what i think are the appropriate options in menuconfig
> but it refuses to boot into dom0. By refuse I mean it initialises the
> hypervisor, gets to loading the dom0 kernel and immediately reboots.
> There's no error messages and it doesnt even get to Scrubbing memory.
> This machine boots fine into 2.4.27.
> I have tried various permutations of kernel options and compiled at
> least 60 kernels trying to get this to work. All my other machines (none
> of which are p4s) upgraded with minimum hassle.
> I humbly attach my kernel config in the hope i have left something out.
Can you send us the boot log from Xen (I guess only piossible if you
have a serial line attached). Apart from that, what is the last line
that Xen outputs before rebooting? It sounds like you do not get as
far as actually trying to run DOM0 so it is unlikely anything to do
with your DOM0 configuration.
One thing is that I fixed a nasty DOM0-building bug yesterday. All the
repositories (2.0, 2.0-tetsing, unstable) have the fix so you may want
to get yourself a fresh tree and try again. :-)
-- Keir
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