RE: [Xen-devel] XEN 2.0.1/Xenolinux 2.6.9 domain0 not booting on Debian
> However one machine (the big daddy) refuses to boot a 2.6.9
xenolinux kernel. It's > an IBM eSeries xServer x205.
> I have selected what i think are the appropriate options in
menuconfig but it
> refuses to boot into dom0. By refuse I mean it initialises the
hypervisor, gets to
> loading the dom0 kernel and immediately reboots. There's no error
messages and it
> doesnt even get to Scrubbing memory. This machine boots fine into
It sounds like its rebooting before it even starts the domain 0 kernel,
so its rather surprising that the kernel version makes a difference.
Perhaps the kernel size has something to do with it?
Are you sure you're capturing all the boot messages? have you got a
serial line attached?
How much memory has your x205 got? I'm wandering whether something is
going disasterously wrong with the e820 parsing. I still can't see why
2.4 vs 2.6 should make any difference. Are you sure you're not using
different Xen versions in the two cases?
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