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Re: PCI passthrough support for PVH mode

Hi Bertrand,

On 10/02/2022 08:32, Bertrand Marquis wrote:
On 10 Feb 2022, at 07:22, tosher 1 <akm2tosher@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Jan,

Thanks for letting me know this status.

I am wondering if PCI passthrough is at least available in Arm for other 
virtualization modes like PV, HVM, or PVHVM. For example, is it possible for 
someone to attach a PCI device to a guest domain on an Arm machine and use that 
domain as a driver domain, like we can do with the Xen on x86?

On arm there is only one virtualization mode which is equivalent to x86 HVM.

I would like to correct this. Arm guests are more equivalent to x86 PVH than HVM. For more details, see:


This is also why we need a brand new solution for PCI passthrough rather than piggying back on what was done on HVM in QEMU :).


Julien Grall



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