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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH v8 1/2] OSSTEST: introduce a raisin build test

On Tue, 4 Aug 2015, Ian Campbell wrote:
> On Thu, 2015-07-23 at 17:52 +0100, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
> > +sub build () {
> > +    target_cmd_build($ho, 9000, $builddir, <<END);
> > +        cd $raisindir
> > +        ./raise -n build
> > +END
> > +#/;
> Running this is pretty quiet it seems, which is normally good but I think
> for automated test we likely want to crank up the verbosity somewhat. Is
> that possible?

-v for verbose

./raise -v -n build

> Or else if this is being captured into some logfile somewhere we should
> capture that.
> It also said:
>     [raisin] Missing packages: pciutils-dev
> which I guess is something which needs to be added to ts-xen-build-prep?

This is a mismatch between raisin's build dependency list and osstest's.
I thought that OSSTest might not want to add pciutils-dev as a
dependency, this is why I didn't add it. On the other hand I would like
to keep it in Raisin as it is required for passthrough.

> It hasn't actually failed though, is that normal?
It is an "optional" dependency, without it passthrough is disabled in
qemu-traditional. Passing -n tell raisin to "shut up, do nothing and
continue", so at the end the build still succeed..

> It also said
>     [raisin] Raisin requires sudo to install build dependencies for you.
>     [raisin] You can only build without it.
> but I think that is desirable/expected. Not installing sudo on osstest
> build hosts (as we do) seems like a good safety catch to maintain to me.

Yes, I agree.

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