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[Xen-devel] Win2003R2 64 suspend failed in self live migration

Hi James;
     I've been testing Windows HVM live migration for a while, OS type covers 2003, and 2008.
     It works well most of time. I mean migration been two physical host.
     But 2003R2 64 bit failed on self live migration. (VM migration on the same host)
     After instal debug version PV driver inside VM, not debug log show up.
     Later I learnt that, in your code  you implied that the debug routine could not be hooked since
     "// can't patch IDT on AMD64 "(in xenpci_dbprint.c XenPci_HookDbgPrint())
      I was able to get the log output simply by redefine the KdPrint macro like below. But unfortunately
, VM is suffuring hang now and then. 
      So is it proper to do this, or how to obtain 64bit log properly?
       As for self migration, I've noticed that VM is able to migrate once, but after migration, the network
is in trouble, VM can not access outside.  It looks like xennet is not function properly. Meanwhile, it looks
like "a fake arp" is needed after migration, as linux pv.
        I shall dig more, but currently the hang in log brother me a lot.
        Could you kindly offer me some help?
----------debug log ----       
void xmaoDPrint(PCH Format, ...);
#undef KdPrint
#define KdPrint(A)  xmaoDPrint
void xmaoDPrint(PCHAR fmt, ...){
 char buf[4096];
  va_list argptr;
 memset(buf, 0, 4096);
  va_start(argptr, fmt);
  RtlStringCchVPrintfA(buf, 4095, fmt, argptr);
 XenDbgPrint(buf, (ULONG)strlen(buf));

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