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[Xen-devel] [PATCH 2 of 3] remus: move makeheader from image.py to vm.py

# HG changeset patch
# User Shriram Rajagopalan <rshriram@xxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1307360442 25200
# Node ID dc243b6893366c453834734e0b4b17a3f233daa2
# Parent  d681b8ed0d03557f896cbc28d7ec244a2bc75bf2
remus: move makeheader from image.py to vm.py

makeheader is the only function used from image.py. Move it
to vm.py and remove image.py file.

Signed-off-by: Shriram Rajagopalan <rshriram@xxxxxxxxx>

diff -r d681b8ed0d03 -r dc243b689336 tools/python/xen/remus/image.py
--- a/tools/python/xen/remus/image.py   Mon Jun 06 04:40:39 2011 -0700
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-# VM image file manipulation
-import logging, struct
-import vm
-SIGNATURE = 'LinuxGuestRecord'
-LONGLEN = struct.calcsize('L')
-INTLEN = struct.calcsize('i')
-PAGE_SIZE = 4096
-# ~0L
-P2M_EXT_SIG = 4294967295L
-# frames per page
-FPP = 1024
-LTAB_MASK = 0xf << 28
-BATCH_SIZE = 1024
-log = logging.getLogger()
-class VMParseException(Exception): pass
-class VMImage(object):
-    def __init__(self, img=None):
-        """img may be a path or a file object.
-        If compact is True, apply checkpoints to base image instead
-        of simply concatenating them.
-        """
-        self.img = img
-        self.dom = None
-        self.fd = None
-        self.header = None
-        self.nr_pfns = 0
-        # p2m extension header (unparsed)
-        self.p2mext = None
-        if self.img:
-            self.open(self.img)
-    def open(self, img):
-        if isinstance(img, str):
-            self.fd = file(img, 'rb')
-        else:
-            self.fd = img
-        self.readheader()
-    def readheader(self):
-        sig = self.fd.read(len(SIGNATURE))
-        if sig != SIGNATURE:
-            raise VMParseException("Bad signature in image")
-        hlen = self.fd.read(INTLEN)
-        hlen, = struct.unpack('!i', hlen)
-        self.header = self.fd.read(hlen)
-        self.dom = parseheader(self.header)
-    def readp2mfl(self):
-        "read the P2M frame list"
-        pfnlen = self.fd.read(LONGLEN)
-        self.nr_pfns, = struct.unpack('L', pfnlen)
-        p2m0 = self.fd.read(LONGLEN)
-        p2mhdr = p2m0
-        p2m0, = struct.unpack('L', p2m0)
-        if p2m0 == P2M_EXT_SIG:
-            elen = self.fd.read(INTLEN)
-            elen, = struct.unpack('I', elen)
-            self.p2mext = self.fd.read(elen)
-            p2m0 = self.fd.read(LONGLEN)
-            p2m0, = struct.unpack('L', p2m0)
-        p2mfl = [p2m0]
-        p2mfle = (self.nr_pfns + FPP - 1)/FPP - 1
-        p2ms = self.fd.read(LONGLEN * p2mfle)
-        p2mfl.extend(struct.unpack('%dL' % p2mfle, p2ms))
-        self.p2mfl = p2mfl
-    def flush(self):
-        self.ofd.write(self.tail)
-class Writer(object):
-    """compress a stream of checkpoints into a single image of the
-    last checkpoint"""
-    def __init__(self, fd, compact=False):
-        self.fd = fd
-        self.compact = compact
-        self.vm = None
-        self.tail = None
-        # offset to first batch of pages
-        self.imgstart = 0
-        # PFN mappings
-        self.pfns = []
-    def __del__(self):
-        self.close()
-    def writeheader(self):
-        hlen = struct.pack('!i', len(self.vm.header))
-        header = ''.join([SIGNATURE, hlen, self.vm.header])
-        self.fd.write(header)
-    def writep2mfl(self):
-        p2m = [struct.pack('L', self.vm.nr_pfns)]
-        if self.vm.p2mext:
-            p2m.extend([struct.pack('L', P2M_EXT_SIG), self.vm.p2mext])
-        p2m.append(struct.pack('%dL' % len(self.vm.p2mfl), *self.vm.p2mfl))
-        self.fd.write(''.join(p2m))
-    def writebatch(self, batch):
-        def offset(pfn):
-            isz = (pfn / BATCH_SIZE + 1) * IDXLEN
-            return self.imgstart + isz + pfn * PAGE_SIZE
-        if not self.compact:
-            return self.fd.write(batch)
-        batch = parsebatch(batch)
-        # sort pages for better disk seek behaviour
-        batch.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[0] & ~LTAB_MASK, y[0] & ~LTAB_MASK))
-        for pfndesc, page in batch:
-            pfn = pfndesc & ~LTAB_MASK
-            if pfn > self.vm.nr_pfns:
-                log.error('INVALID PFN: %d' % pfn)
-            if len(self.pfns) <= pfn:
-                self.pfns.extend([0] * (pfn - len(self.pfns) + 1))
-            self.pfns[pfn] = pfndesc
-            self.fd.seek(offset(pfn))
-            self.fd.write(page)
-        #print "max offset: %d, %d" % (len(self.pfns), offset(self.pfns[-1]))
-    def writeindex(self):
-        "Write batch header in front of each page"
-        hdrlen = INTLEN + BATCH_SIZE * LONGLEN
-        batches = (len(self.pfns) + BATCH_SIZE - 1) / BATCH_SIZE
-        for i in xrange(batches):
-            offset = self.imgstart + i * (hdrlen + (PAGE_SIZE * BATCH_SIZE))
-            pfnoff = i * BATCH_SIZE
-            # python auto-clamps overreads
-            pfns = self.pfns[pfnoff:pfnoff + BATCH_SIZE]
-            self.fd.seek(offset)
-            self.fd.write(struct.pack('i', len(pfns)))
-            self.fd.write(struct.pack('%dL' % len(pfns), *pfns))
-    def slurp(self, ifd):
-        """Apply an incremental checkpoint to a loaded image.
-        accepts a path or a file object."""
-        if isinstance(ifd, str):
-            ifd = file(ifd, 'rb')
-        if not self.vm:
-            self.vm = VMImage(ifd)
-            self.writeheader()
-            self.vm.readp2mfl()
-            self.writep2mfl()
-            self.imgstart = self.fd.tell()
-        while True:
-            l, batch = readbatch(ifd)
-            if l <= 0:
-                break
-            self.writebatch(batch)
-        self.tail = batch + ifd.read()
-    def flush(self):
-        if self.tail:
-            self.fd.seek(0, 2)
-            self.fd.write(self.tail)
-            if self.compact:
-                self.writeindex()
-        self.tail = None
-    def close(self):
-        self.flush()
-def parseheader(header):
-    "parses a header sexpression"
-    return vm.parsedominfo(vm.strtosxpr(header))
-def makeheader(dominfo):
-    "create an image header from a VM dominfo sxpr"
-    items = [SIGNATURE]
-    sxpr = vm.sxprtostr(dominfo)
-    items.append(struct.pack('!i', len(sxpr)))
-    items.append(sxpr)
-    return ''.join(items)
-def readbatch(fd):
-    batch = []
-    batchlen = fd.read(INTLEN)
-    batch.append(batchlen)
-    batchlen, = struct.unpack('i', batchlen)
-    log.info("batch length: %d" % batchlen)
-    if batchlen <= 0:
-        return (batchlen, batch[0])
-    batchfns = fd.read(LONGLEN * batchlen)
-    batch.append(batchfns)
-    pages = fd.read(PAGE_SIZE * batchlen)
-    if len(pages) != PAGE_SIZE * batchlen:
-        log.error('SHORT READ: %d' % len(pages))
-    batch.append(pages)
-    return (batchlen, ''.join(batch))
-def parsebatch(batch):
-    "parse a batch string into pages"
-    batchlen, batch = batch[:INTLEN], batch[INTLEN:]
-    batchlen, = struct.unpack('i', batchlen)
-    #print 'batch length: %d' % batchlen
-    pfnlen = batchlen * LONGLEN
-    pfns = struct.unpack('%dL' % batchlen, batch[:pfnlen])
-    pagebuf = batch[pfnlen:]
-    pages = [pagebuf[i*PAGE_SIZE:(i+1)*PAGE_SIZE] for i in xrange(batchlen)]
-    return zip(pfns, pages)
diff -r d681b8ed0d03 -r dc243b689336 tools/python/xen/remus/save.py
--- a/tools/python/xen/remus/save.py    Mon Jun 06 04:40:39 2011 -0700
+++ b/tools/python/xen/remus/save.py    Mon Jun 06 04:40:42 2011 -0700
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 import xen.lowlevel.checkpoint
-import vm, image
+import vm
 class _proxy(object):
     "proxy simulates an object without inheritance"
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
     def start(self):
-        hdr = image.makeheader(self.vm.dominfo)
+        hdr = vm.makeheader(self.vm.dominfo)
diff -r d681b8ed0d03 -r dc243b689336 tools/python/xen/remus/vm.py
--- a/tools/python/xen/remus/vm.py      Mon Jun 06 04:40:39 2011 -0700
+++ b/tools/python/xen/remus/vm.py      Mon Jun 06 04:40:42 2011 -0700
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-import xmlrpclib
+import xmlrpclib, struct
 from xen.xend.XendClient import server
 from xen.xend import sxp, osdep
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 # need a nicer way to load disk drivers
 import vbd
+SIGNATURE = 'LinuxGuestRecord'
 class VMException(Exception): pass
 class VM(object):
@@ -162,3 +163,11 @@
         # target is in MB, not KB
         target = (dom0cur - needed) / 1024
         server.xend.domain.setMemoryTarget(0, target)
+def makeheader(dominfo):
+    "create an image header from a VM dominfo sxpr"
+    items = [SIGNATURE]
+    sxpr = sxprtostr(dominfo)
+    items.append(struct.pack('!i', len(sxpr)))
+    items.append(sxpr)
+    return ''.join(items)

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