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RE: [Xen-devel] Domain 0 stop response on frequently reboot VMS

On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 04:16 -0400, MaoXiaoyun wrote:
>       Well, where can I start if I want to maintain the current
> kernel(2.6.31), and only update the blktap2?
>       As I go throught the git branch of
> xen/dom0/backend/blktap2<http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/jeremy/xen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/xen/dom0/backend/blktap2>,
>   I found wait_queue.c is removed.
>       It looks like blktap2 has changed a lot, right?
>       So I am courious the difference between the new and the old one.
>       Could you share some brief explainations, that would be very
> helpful.
>       Thanks in advance.

For brief explanations but nothing particular I can only refer you to
the commit messages. Because there have been plenty of them. :)

They're all still backward compatible as far as the userspace ABI for
older tapdisk2s goes. My recommendation would be replacing that whole
blktap/ directory, because I can't support you with more than that.

If you choose to do so: You might need some patches fixing request queue
accesses, there might be slight differences to 2.6.32, that's a bit of a
moving target sometimes. But it's not a big deal.


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