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Re: [Xen-devel] Fast checkpoints with COW VM memory

I am interested in the COW VM memory ,and are there some code or patch about it ,or still in process ,or in plan? and if it has been implemented and integrated in the source tree, then ,what is the way to use it ? say , fast checkpoint, or VM fork ?or something else? is it available to use ? or how to do it ?


Tim Deegan åé:
At 14:59 -0500 on 05 Dec (1196866790), Mike Sun wrote:
According to the Xen Roadmap for 2006, there was talk of copy-on-write
functionality that could be developed easily from the
save/restore/migration code to enable features such as fast
checkpoints or even VM forks.

FSVO "easily". :)  I am working on extending the typed P2M work I did a
while ago to allow pages to be marked copy-on-write, and other similar
memory tricks.  It's still in the planning stage, but I hope to have
some patches for comment fairly soon.

Brendan Cully gave a talk on this area at the last Summit, and I know
there is more work going on at UBC too.


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