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Re: [Xen-devel] uClibc

Jerome Brown wrote:
Will Xen run if compiled against uClibc? What about with the busybox toolset?

I don't think Xen itself is compiled against any libc. I have a busybox-based (though using glibc right now) initrd which you can use for your unprivileged domains. You can download it from http://www.diku.dk/~jacobg/self-migration/

I am looking to create a minimal dom0 image that simply controls the creation and loading of new domains, and that allows migration to occur.

I am working on exactly the same thing, though I am using self-migration in XenLinux rather than the managed migration in Xen. I am already able to migrate to a minimal Xen-host (the network-facing privileged code is about 50 lines of C, there is not even a TCP/IP stack running), and I am currenly working on being able to create new domains using the same mechanism (almost there).

I am currently on Xen 1.3, because the current Xend is too resource-hungry and complex for my needs. I am crossing my fingers for someone to implement the basics of Xend in C, and when that happens I plan to move to Xen 2.0.

Input and cooperation is welcomed.


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