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Re: [Xen-devel] results

> If Mark's right about there being a 2D driver in the Xserver that
> works without the nvidia binary-only kernel driver, then that's
> definitely the way to go.
> I seriously think it's worth a doing a disassembly of the binary
> module and seeing the scale of the problem. If we're lucky and
> it's just the rd/wrmsr that are the problem, they'll be easy to
> deal with by nop'ing them. If there are cli/sti then that's more
> of a pain, but it would actually be pretty easy to do in a Linux
> (as opposed to Xen) GPF handler that spots them and does the
> appropriate Xen call. They're both 1 byte instructions (0xfa/b)
> with no operands, so easy to spot.

Retaining the possibility of doing this kind of thing is another good
reason for keeping PAGE_OFFSET the same as native in our Linux 2.6
port as well as the 2.4 port. If __va() and __pa() change then that's
likely to be a much bigger rewriting problem.

 -- Keir

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