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Re: [Xen-devel] Installation

On Wed, 2003-11-19 at 13:34, Gregory Newby wrote:

> In "related news," I finally got a guest OS to boot yesterday.
> Previously, the kernel would start, but not the boot process.
> I strongly suspect there is something "Redhat-like" that 
> xenolinux expects, or simply something missing or misplaced 
> from the SuSE 9 distribution I'm using.  I futzed extensively,
> and ended up building a / (on an alternate partition) for the
> guest OS which came mostly from the CD, with pieces copied
> in from elsewhere.  There were numerous tweaks I made, and
> as usual it's not clear in retrospect which ones really mattered.

I haven't gotten the time to try xen yet, but my first suspect for
booting problems on suse would be hwscan.  Try insserv -r hwscan 


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