Re: [Xen-users] Share config between servers
On 06/16/2011 11:03 AM, Lorenzo Milesi wrote:
I've installed two physical servers with Debian 6, Xen 4 and drbd8.
I'm trying to do live migration, and seems to work (despite it's taking 1m30 to
execute xm migrate, on a 100mbit link).
These are going to be managed by heartbeat, and there's something I cannot
understand: I've created the VM using virt-manager, and it placed the config in
/var/lib/xend/domains on the first dom0. This config is NOT replicated accross
xen servers.
I'd like to know: is it possible to make Xen servers communicate and share VM
Or should I place that dir on a shared location (drbd) between the two?
I do this with a small GFS2 partition.
Also, 1m30s for a 100Mbit link isn't unreasonable for a live migration,
if your VM(s) have a decent amount of RAM. That RAM needs to be copied
to the target, while tracking changes to the memory as the VM is still
active during the process.
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