[Xen-users] which is the best way to setup DomU's kernel location
> A: best if you could build a domU specific kernel. Try including everything
> in
> the kernel (ie. no modules). And include only the things you are sure you
> will
> need/use.
> B: then you will have to run domUs with the hardware virtualisation enabled
> you will loose all the performance that Xen is offering in paravirtualised
> Strongly consider the A option with custom domU. Have a directory in the root
> tree for those kernels. Worked best for me when migrating.
> Have phun!
> Chris Andrews wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I was wondering what do you guys thing is the best way to control the
> > domU kernels. Would you A. use the name kernel for the all the domU's
> > using the dom0 kernel or B. make a boot partition inside the domU's and
> > use there own kernel?
You don't need hardware-virtualisation to utilise the kernel that is stored
inside the virtual machine. Just use pygrub or pvgrub. (last time I tried it
latter didn't work with tap:aio, though)
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