Re: [Xen-users] how to mount one volume to 2 guests
009/6/1 <nikolanikov@xxxxxxx>:
> I want to ask how to mount one storage device to 2 guests?
> When I try to create vm handle everything is fine I can create one vdi and
> vbds for every guest. When I start first machine everything is ok, but when
> I try to start second one it says that
> ERROR: 2 INTERNAL_ERROR Device 2051 (vbd) could not be connected.
> Device /dev/mapper/test_vg-test64_454 is mounted in a guest domain,
> and so cannot be mounted now.
> any Ideas how I can share one device to two or more virtual machines? I
> don't want network solution like nfs,iscsi ... etc
First of all, you DO realize that sharing a block device without some
kind of cluster file system could lead to data corruption?
If you want to share it anyway, you can try changing the mode to "r"
(for read only) or "w!" (to force read-write multiple mount).
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