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Re: [Xen-users] hard to pin down DomU/0 hanging problem.(found)

I think I found the problem.

It seems the the sky2 network drivers do not like working with the bridge code.
The thing that supprises me is that the kernel panic messages did not 
show up in dmesg but did as messages over the serial port.

Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Alvin Starr <alvin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The base os is Centos 5.3 with updates as of a week or so ago(just checking
again I found a new set this morning).
Try updating to latest version, shutdown all domUs, and don't forget
to restart dom0 afterwards.
By default RHEL/Centos tries to save domU state on dom0 shutdown,
which might cause some problems on xen upgrades, so make sure you shut
down all domUs before rebooting.

Note the svnserver status.
I've seen it some times, but it bevahes normally on my system.
Is that particular domU the only one that's having problems, or is it
also the same for all domUs?

Alvin Starr                   ||   voice: (416)585-9971x690
Interlink Connectivity        ||   fax:   (416)585-9974
alvin@xxxxxxxxxx              ||

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