Re: [forums] [Xen-users] process ids
If I were you I think of this less in terms of virtual machines, and
more from a traditional HA consideration.
You can use heartbeat and ldirectord to monitor the processes, and fail
them over (and the whole vm) over to another server just as you would
on physical machines. So no VM specific requirements.
devi thapa wrote:
Hi Todd,
I think you have misinterpreted the term resources, sorry
I could not convey properly. I meant resources like
httpd, cups, samba etc the services, which will be start at the start
of the virtual machine.
I want to monitor these resources.
I want to tell you my view, please bear with me,
Suppose I write a script which will monitor the resources of virtual
machine like suppose for now httpd and samba.
Suppose, if any one of the resource fails, I want the entire virtual
machine to get shifted to the other node.
So, the script written by me, monitors the resources and if any one of
the resource fails, it will shutdown the virtual machine.
And the rest is my problem, because I have already written an ocf
script to monitor the virtual machine. So if the virtual machine is
shutdown, it immediate shifts the virtual machine to the other node.
Can I go like this?
Awaiting your valuable suggestions!!
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