Re: [Xen-users] Limit the BW and control trafic of a guest
I'd like to know which solutions exists to :
1- limit the bandwidth available to a guest
2- controls / see the trafic used by a guest
I know that for the bandwidth we could use the TC command but when
there is a lot of guests it becomes very hard to maintain !
Is there others solutions ? maybe some controls panel does this ?
which solution do you use ?
I do it the ugly way, but its very easy.
I just have xendomains source a file named just like the dom-u config with a .sh suffix.
Heu... My english seems to be not so good here !
Not sure to understand what you mean ;)
All of my extra logging and notifying goes in that file, with the exception of some
notification stuff.
I applied a patch from Steve Kemp that helps notify me when a VM changes
state, and calls that .sh script again. So far this has worked out very
well but as you said lots of rules can be problematic.
Hmmm, I see the concept but don't understant the .sh suffix, on what do
you set this .sh suffix ?
But I don't have any solution to control and see the trafic used by
the guests, is there some solutions to do this ?
The few (little) existing control panel for xen allows this ?
enomalism ? xen-entreprise ? ... ?
is there others solutions to managet the trafic used by the guests ?
What kind of solutions do you use ?
If you name your vifs so that they are meaningful, its much easier. An
example :
vif [ 'bridge=br0 vifname=centos.0' ]
Ok it was an example, but you absolutly rigth ;)
I could then type 'ifconfig centos.0' from dom-0 to get an accounting.
Its wise to use something that logs this incrementally because if dom-0
reboots you lost the data. Likewise, iptables logging can suffer a
similar fate if dom-0 reboots before you can save the info.
If the vifname is meaningful, short and unique this works well.
Many /proc based bandwidth loggers dont fscanf() beyond an 8 character
name, i.e. 'eth0' is ok, but ethetheth0 would be cut off as "ethethet".
Try to keep them short, or just modify your logger to work with longer
Yep !
Hopefully someone else will give you a more elegant solution or point
you to something free that does a good job managing everything including
bandwidth. I don't like web based consoles, so I don't have much
experience with what else is available.
So do I, but sometimes it safes time !
I have a tool that will XML-ify everything you need for logging on
dom-0, if your able to parse it. See
http://dev1.netkinetics.net/hg/xmlpulse.hg , this tool is nowhere near
as graceful as the new Xen API, but still rather useful.
Thanks, I'll look it
Hope this helps :)
It is !
Thanks tim for your time and answers !
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