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Re: [Xen-users] FC5 dom0 give DHCP to FC5 domU's

To: "dgreen@xxxxxxxxxxx" <dgreen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] FC5 dom0 give DHCP to FC5 domU's
From: "Henning Sprang" <henning_sprang@xxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 14:31:39 +0200
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On 7/13/06, dgreen@xxxxxxxxxxx <dgreen@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

1) How would I set up my bridge to give out automatic DHCP info to the
domUs?  Do I have to run DHCP services on dom0?
A bridge is no dhcp server. You should probably read some
documentation to learn what bridging is about.

If you want your domU's to get ip adresses from a dhcp server, then
you need to have an dhcp server, and set up bridging correctly. It
doesn't matter if the dhcp server is on dom0, any domU or somewhere
else,  when you use briding, all the ethernet traffic is transported
to the other side if the bridge...

2) I would like to keep my 130.127 address on eth0 so I can still connect
to the network, can this still be done and give private 192.168.12.X
addresses to my domUs?
Again I recommend you to read docs on ethernet bridging (in general,
not xen specific in gthe first place). With bridging, you can give
your domU's IP adresses as you want, as bridging is on ethernet level.

But if you want a more cleanly separated private network ( as it
sounds), you probably rather want to use a routed or natted network in
xen - which makes my previous advice on dhcp invalid, this goes only
for briding.


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