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Re: [Xen-users] NICs under SLES9 SP3

From: "Jan Albrecht" <jan.albrecht@xxxxxxxxx>
Daniel Bauer wrote:
From: "Jan Albrecht" <jan.albrecht@xxxxxxxxx>
I've successfully running XEN under SuSE 10.1 with CentOS/Debian/SuSE
10.1/RedHat AS4 Domains.
All are woking fine but the SLES9 Domain won't show a network
interface under yast.
I even followed
But neither of them worked.
I've installed SLES 9 via "Installation into directory" and copied the
modules from the master domains (as already done on the other
domains). Even the xennet module is showing.

I've several working SuSE 9.3 running. In YaST you won't see a card,
but you could add a static interface an it works.
Hm, I tried that, but it didn't worked. Even a "ifconfig -a" does not
show any devices besides "lo" and "sit0".

Any other idea?
no sorry, I also don't see a interface in YaST, but I add one without 
any hardware information (hwinfo is static-0 in YaST). YaST doesn't 
detect a NIC.

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