Re: [Xen-users] Hardware compatibility - Dell Inspiron 6400 or thinkpad
I am sorry. This reply was made by mistake. This was intended for one
other post in mailing list and replied this post in error.
Henning Sprang wrote:
> Hi,
> Sadique wrote:
>> I am using xen-3.0.2 in Centos-4.2 Dom-0 and have the below line in my
>> config file
>> vif = ['mac=aa:00:00:4b:46:8f, bridge=xenbr0, vifname=myvps']
>> which works fine for me. I have configured 3 ips on this dom-U and I am
>> ale to communicate using each ips.
> Could you please explain what your reply has to do with my question
> (see below)?
> Are you running this setup on one of the mentioned machines?
>> Henning Sprang wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Since a while I am curious to buy a machine with hardware
>>> virtualization support. Finally, they start to become available here
>>> in Germany.
>>> So, I want to get such a machine. I want to buy a dell inspiron 6400
>>> or an IBM thinkpad T60 which are said to have such a mobile processor
>>> with hardware virtualization - does anybody have experiences with
>>> these?
>>> Looking in the Hardware compatibility page in the wiki, and the one
>>> which is linked from the xensource.com download page(results from xen
>>> test cd, seems not be updated since a while), I see that there is not
>>> even a single machine listed as compatible with xen which has one of
>>> the new core duo pentium D 9xx processors or the centrino duo
>>> processors which are said to have hardware virtualization.
>>> Can, in general the support for unmodified guest in xen as well as in
>>> the hardware that can be bought really be called mature, and ready for
>>> production?
>>> Henning
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