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Re: [Xen-users] boot existing OS[solved]

Peter van Eck wrote:
Peter wrote:
Vincent Hanquez wrote:

On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 12:15:29PM +0100, Peter van Eck wrote:
I've got SusE 10.0 running xen 3 installed on /dev/hdd

I've got a gentoo system installed in /dev/hda.
try with the following settings:

disk = [ 'phy:hda,hda,w' ]
root = "/dev/hdaX ro"

where X is the partition number of your root device.

That's a variant I haven't tried yet ...

I will give it a go and let you know....



Still get...

Waiting for device /dev/hda5 to appear:  ok
rootfs:  major=3 minor=5 devn=773
Mounting root /dev/hda5
mount: No such device
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

It looks like it doesn't see the "real" rootfilesystem  I guess.
Or is it the other way 'round ,as in can 't see the virtual one.

Could it be because that filesystem in the guest OS (Gentoo) is formaatted as reiser ?

Xen-users mailing list
Hi all,

Just following up on my post... As I'm used to working with gentoo (suse was a while back since the last time I used it) and never use ramdisk(initrd's) I finally found out that I had to have the initrd to load the reisersfs module.
The / filesystem of the guest (gentoo) system was reiser..

*So for all Suse 10 and perhaps other Suse versions , reiserfs is not in the xen initrd by default !!


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