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Re: [Xen-users] boot existing OS

To: Tomas Florian <tflorian@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] boot existing OS
From: Peter van Eck <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 16:24:38 +0100
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Hi Tomas,

I did set it the way you explained it but it still panics...

Waiting for device /dev/hda5 to appear:  ok
rootfs:  major=3 minor=5 devn=773
Mounting root /dev/hda5
mount: No such device
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!



Tomas Florian wrote:
Ok for example ... let's say I have linux installed on

hda1 /
hda2 swap

now if I want to virtualize it ... I have to match the partitions

hda1 -> hda1
hda2 -> hda2

... so this was too easy ... so a harder one (with 2 systems running on 1 physical drive):
hda1 /  (system1)
hda2 swap (system1)
hda3 / (system2)
hda4 swap (system2)

now the mapping is
hda1 -> hda1
hda2 -> hda2
hda3 -> hda1 hda4 -> hda2

Hope that helps.

Well after I started experimenting with Xen I got so confused on the virtual device part that I tried several , not in use, special files in /dev.
The kernel still panics as soon as it trying to mount the root 
As I'm still confused on the virtual devices part would someone 
careto explain to me how I should
interpret this when using partitions ? In my example how do I pick 
the virtual root filesystem for the guest root filesystem I try to 
boot ?

Xen "newbie" Peter

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