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Re: [Xen-users] mixing 2.6 / 2.4 kernels lots of fun

To: Hugues Belanger <hbelanger@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] mixing 2.6 / 2.4 kernels lots of fun
From: Steven Ellis <mail_lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 13:53:12 +1200
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Hugues Belanger wrote:
Hi all,

I'm new to this list and would like to tip my hat to the Xen development
team you guys have made me look good...!

Here's the scenario :

I'm building a little demo server for a local IT shop to demonstrate how
linux can be use for SME's

Dom0 is installed and working on Fedora Core 4 running
What I would like to do is install 4 VM's on smeserver from contribs.org
one openfiler from openfiler.org and one fedoracore3 + qemu + windows XP
and one Fedoracore 4.

I'd be very interested to hear how the SME server setup goes. I've been 
considering setting up a SME environment ontop of my Xen server as well.

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