Re: [XenPPC] updates on making xen...
On Aug 14, 2006, at 2:09 PM, Orran Y Krieger wrote:
Building xen, cross compiled from an x86 box. Couple of things led
me astray on web page:
At lest on my box, you needed
CROSS_COMPILE=powerpc64-linux- CROSS_COMPILE32=powerpc-linux-
So, CROSS32_COMPILE should be CROSS_COMPILE32 I think.
hmm I don't think so, Maria had the same issue, defining
CROSS_COMPILE32 doesn't do anything.
Perhaps your CROSS_COMPILEer can generate both 32 and 64?
M-x grep-find says:
cd /home/jimix/work/xen/linux/linux-2.6/
find . \( -name CVS -o -name SCCS -o -name .hg \) -prune -o \! \( -
name \*~ -o -name .#\* -o -name cscope.\* \) -type f -print0 |
xargs -0 -e egrep -n 'CROSS_COMPILE32|CROSS32_COMPILE'
./arch/powerpc/Makefile:18:CROSS32_COMPILE ?=
./arch/powerpc/Makefile:20:CROSS32CC := $(CROSS32_COMPILE)gcc
./arch/powerpc/Makefile:21:CROSS32AS := $(CROSS32_COMPILE)as
./arch/powerpc/Makefile:22:CROSS32LD := $(CROSS32_COMPILE)ld
./arch/powerpc/Makefile:23:CROSS32OBJCOPY := $(CROSS32_COMPILE)
./arch/powerpc/Makefile:26:ifeq ($(CROSS32_COMPILE),)
./arch/powerpc/boot/Makefile:20:# CROSS32_COMPILE is setup as a
prefix just like CROSS_COMPILE
grep exited abnormally with code 123 at Mon Aug 14 14:36:24
Also, where you say:
it should be:
i.e., missing a "c"
Thanks for catching this.
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