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Re: [Xen-devel] unmodified_drivers for linux-2.4 kernel

To: Michael Williams <spacex@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] unmodified_drivers for linux-2.4 kernel
From: Steve Ofsthun <sofsthun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 17:06:13 -0400
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Michael Williams wrote:

I need help trying to compile the unmodified_driver tree for use on a HVM linux-based pc running kernel 2.4.34. I found this ( http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-devel/2007-12/msg00719.html ) thread and it seems that these patches are what I need, but I cannot get them to compile on my machine. If Ben Guthro or anyone else who was able to successfully use these patches could tell me what I need to do to compile them, I would be very appreciative.
My xen version is 3.1.0-53.1.14  (CentOS 5).

Any and all help is appreciated.
Ben is out of the office until next week.  The patches that Ben originally 
posted for 2.4 were actually developed for RHEL3 in particular.  In parallel 
with our own efforts, RedHat has been working on a set of patches of their own 
for submission to xen-devel 
(http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-devel/2007-12/msg00811.html).  We 
expect to see these in the near future.


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