Re: [Xen-devel] [RFC] keymap support for PVFB
>> I've tried to tackle the same issue by hacking the vnc client side to
>> send us keysyms no matter what the local keyboard mapping is. So I can
>> have any keyboard map loaded on the host, qemu-dm/vncfb sees us keysyms
>> nevertheless and passes the correct scancodes to the guest OS.
> You mean scan codes, don't you? Key symbols are the XK_a and so
> forth.
No, keysyms. This is what the vnc protocol uses, so there is no way
around that, unfortunaly. It takes the X11 keycodes and translates
these to us keymap keysyms using a buildin table, then sends them. So
for the server side (from vnc protocol view, i.e. qemu-dm or vnc-fb) it
looks like a vnc client with us keyboard.
> Passing scan codes in addition to key symbols makes sense.
Does the vnc protocol allow that? I don't think so :-(
> Would you mind sharing your code when it's ready?
http://www.suse.de/~kraxel/xen/, the vnc client in the "xenwatch" package.
Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel@xxxxxxx>
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