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Re: [Xen-devel] Page table and memory management

On 3 Mar 2005, at 03:07, Richard wrote:

How do I create a new page table ?
How do I register a page frame that I own with XEN so that I can use
it as a page table ?

Xen will automatically infer the type when you attach an L1 to an existing L2. Xen will infer the L2 type when the L2 gets used as current pagetable base. There are also mmu_op calls to pin a page to L1 or L2 type. This is particularly important for L2 pages to get good performance.

Before a page has pagetable type you can have a writable mapping of it and initiaqlise it directly. When Xen infers the pagetable type or you pin it to such a type, you must already have relinuqished and writable mappings you had of that page.

 -- Keir

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