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Re: [Xen-devel] fsck error

On 4 Dec 2003, at 15:36, victor wrote:

I try too boot new kernels, but I always get fsck errors.
For the new kernel I have a diffrent hard-disk(SCSI) with the filesistem
This is a very 'mysterious' problem in xeno-1.1.bk
When you start new domains, fsck complains about
sth like 'writing to .... truncated ...'

This problem 'automatically' disappeared in xeno-unstable.bk
I tried to find out the explanation by 'diff' the whole VBD subsystem
of Xen in xeno-1.1.bk and xeno-unstable.bk, but no differences
seemed obvious enough to explain this problem.

I hope someone has better ideas.

-- Bin

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