Re: [Xen-devel] A dumb question
On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 04:01:59PM +0100, Rolf Neugebauer wrote:
> > 1.) Is it possible to access the created vd (virtual disk) or the
> created
> > vbd (virtual block device) _without_ booting and logging in to domain
> 1 ??
> > I have found no way to access either the created vd or vbd in domain 0
> > in order to create a filesystem on it and to fill it with something
> usefull.
> You should be able to use "xenctl vdb create -k<key> -v0 -w -n0"
> to make the virtual block device accessible from domain0 as
> /dev/xvda (major 125, minor 0 -- use tools/misc/xen-mkdevnodes if
> the device doesn't exist)
> I haven't tried this in a while, but it should work unless it got
> accidentally broken when the "xenctl physical grant" stuff got
> added.
That's what I thought. Unfortunatly, it doesn't work : it says
Expected -n<domain_id>
because in the java source, it tests that the domain is != 0.
I modified the Java so that it accepts 0 as a domain, and what
happened was :
error: disk number missing
followed by an Oops with a NULL pointer dereference.
I didn't dig further, because I thought that it wasn't suppose to work
this way. But since you (well, Ian) implies that it shall work, I'll
try to get into the kernel source to see what's going on.
Any idea welcomed, however :)
Nicolas Bougues
Axialys Interactive
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