Re: [Xen-cim] Passing variables through config
Szymanski, Lukasz K wrote:
> Jim -
> As per our conversation during Thursday's meeting, I am attempting to
> pass in a variable for xm-test through the configure mechanism, so
> that the test script can recover its value. I had no luck - I could
> not access it. So I thought I would play with the TESTSUITEDIR option
> you set up before. Here's what I did:
> # make preuninstall && make uninstall && make clean
> # ./configure TESTSUITEDIR=/tmp
> # make && make install && make postinstall
> The setup script checks some common directories and if it finds the
> testsuite there, it creates a simlink. If not, it looks at the user
> defined location. I changed the common directories on purpose, to
> force the user defined path, and still came up with nothing for the
> TESTSUITEDIR value. So before I go on a fact finding mission, am I
> doing something wrong, or is there a bug in the configure setup, or am
> I missing something?
TESTSUITEDIR is AC_SUBST'd if found. The automake conditional TESTSUITE
is also defined with its value depending on finding the sblim
testsuite. Looking at our top-level Makefile.am I see that we are not
using either of these constructs. For an example on how to use
TESTSUITEDIR and TESTSUITE conditional see the cmpi-base top-level
Perhaps we should fold your work into our top-level Makefile.am similar
to the approach used in cmpi-base - including the runtest target that
calls your setup-test and run-test scripts. Since you are generating
the input files no need to list them as done in cmpi-base (e.g. using
the testsuitesystem_DATA variable). Note that in cmpi-base the runtest
target depends on install target - this ensures that all of the files
listed in testsuitesystem_DATA, testsuitecim_DATA, etc. have been
installed prior to running test-cmpi-base.sh.
> BTW, in the script you ask the user to define a value for the value
> TESTSUITE - I think that should be TESTSUITEDIR.
Not sure what you mean. Running 'configure --help' gives
the directory where the SBLIM testsuite is installed.
That seems rather explicit.
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