The VSM/CIM team is experiencing difficulties creating a Linux image to be
installed on a Xen hypervisor. Gareth suggested that we post this note to
the distribution. We'd appreciate any feedback on the issues described
1. Testing:
We have not been able to create a functional image for Xen in our
environment. We have tried SLES tools but have not been able to properly
finish the image creation phase. We've also tried using a pre-built image
from the Web (jailtime.org); the image we chose works perfectly when we try
it on a RHEL based hypervisor, whereas when we try it on the SLES
hypervisor we cannot properly configure the network. That is, we are able
to boot the image and connect to it with the console, but we cannot get it
to communicate over the network. This means that until we solve this we
will not be able to test anything that relies on collecting information
from the guest (e.g., get guest OS). In short, in our lab we have not been
able to get any working image on a SLES10 based hypervisor.
2. Delivery to customers:
The issue of how to help VSM users create functional virtual systems on Xen
is still open. We have several people working on possible approaches to
deal with this. However, all the suggestions made at our last meeting on
this issue (May 4) assume there is a straightforward way to create a
working image on SLES10. So far, we have not been able to validate this
John Marberg
Storage and Systems Technology, IBM Haifa Labs, Haifa 31905, Israel
Tel: +972-4-829-6244 Fax +972-4-829-6112 marberg@xxxxxxxxxx
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