(I've just changed the subject to be more aligned with the contents ;-)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: George G. Davis [mailto:gdavis@xxxxxxxxxx]
>Sent: vendredi 14 septembre 2007 13:29
>To: ROSSIER Daniel
>Cc: Toni Nikkanen; xen-arm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [XenARM] RE: xen-arm mailing list archive
>On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 08:32:10AM +0200, ROSSIER Daniel wrote:
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: George G. Davis [mailto:gdavis@xxxxxxxxxx]
>> >Perhaps
>> >the folks at Xensource would host a Xen ARM HG repository once we
>> >that code available (although I would personally prefer a GIT
>> repository
>> >myself : ). That may also then encourage more active development
>> >contributions from others lurking on the list.
>> Daniel has kindly accepted to broadcast his source code;
>> the
>> file is 3MB large and I wasn't able to send it over the mailing list.
>> course, it
>> will make sense to push it to the XEN repository;
>> any advice from xen-source? For me, no matter if svn, git or whatever
>> used...).
>If it's not possible to get it hosted on xenbits.xensource.com soon, I
>can post it to source.mvista.com for the interim if you like.
Great! If you give me a link to your repository, I upload the code and
as soon as we have something at xensource, we will shift.
Is it ok with you?
Xen-arm mailing list