RE: [Xen-API] RFC: Shuffling xen-api-libs
Anil wrote:
> On 27 Oct 2011, at 23:43, Jonathan Ludlam wrote:
> > cdrom
> good as standalone library, no dependency on stdext. similar argument
> to cpuid.
FYI I'm probably going to remove xapi's dependency on this.
> > close-and-exec <-- do we still need this?
> > cpuid
> good as standalone library.
> > forking_executioner
> > log <-- should be top-level?
> > netdev
> seems very useful to have netdev bridge manipulation as a standalone
> library, but depends on Stringext/Forkhelpers. Can do a separate port
> of this to FreeBSD/OpenBSD if it's all wrapped up in this library.
I'd like to review xapi's use of netdev. Our network handling is a bit mixed,
using a combination of bash scripts running "ip link" and this netdev stuff. It
might make sense to split it into separate bridge and openvswitch portions.
> > pciutil
> useful enough as a standalone (rename to pci_id) though?
> > rss
> useful as a standalone; I have some code in Mirage-www to output Atom
> formats and stuff as well and could patch that in too (if it's using
> xmlm, which I believe it is).
My local checkout shows it using xml-light2 to bridge to xmlm :/ Anyway I don't
know much about RSS but this one seems a little small (96 LOC in my tree). Is
it complete enough to use? I have no strong opinion about this, except I think
it would be polite to avoid claiming the name "rss" in the global namespace
unless it's complete enough.
> > sexpr
> Any reason not to use sexplib here instead of another hand-rolled
> library? sexplib is pretty battle-hardened.
It would be better to use sexplib, it's just a matter of time. First we still
have to complete the xmlm upgrade and remove xml-light2 :)
> > stunnel
> Massively useful to have this released as a standalone library. SSL in
> OCaml remains a pain, and having 'one good way' to do it (e.g. use stud
> or stunnel?) would be handy.
It would be nice to have 'one good way' to do it :) Last time I looked this
code was in a shocking state. We will probably improve it though since this one
is really important for us. We might want to switch from stunnel to stud though
;) Maybe it should have a slightly more generic name like 'sslterminator'?
> > tapctl
> > udev
> > xen-utils
> > uuid
> > xml-light2 <-- should die anyway
> sounds like all those can be internal.
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