I tried to restart one of the Citrix servers and it would not restart,
giving an error that the disk was already mounted in a loopback, etc. I
looked at mount and didn't see anything mounted and I had just shut the
domU down. I assumed it had not shut down completely. This domU runs
from the local disk.
So I decided to a restart of the host was in order. I downed the rest of
the domU's, including an oracle server running off one of the ocfs2
clusters. This servers has been being used for the last three weeks from
this location.
After restarting dom0 I started bringing the domU's back up. All of them
came back up fine, except for the oracle server. It gave an error that
the disk files did not exist, and they don't, they aren't there
I checked and double checked history to see if any rm commands had been
given and I didn't find any.