Hi all
Can someone please help how to use the PVUSB.
It seems to work on my Dom0, I have USB backend driver module loaded and also able to caputre a USB port and export it to the backend driver, so once I reconnect the device to the port, Dom0 ignore it (no usbstorge module loaded) (The device is a 500GB external drive).
In the DomU I have the usb front end module loaded - but the dmesg says nothing on new hardware found.
lspci, or lsusb on DomU gives nothing
What am I'm doing wrong?
Should i change something with xenstorage?
ohhhh, I use ubuntu 9.10 with kernel 2.6.31-5 + ubuntu pacthes + novell xen pactehs (2.6.31-5)
Please help