Re: [Xen-users] virtual machine lvm issues during install
I'm no expert and completely new to all this too, but the one part of
installing Xen I didn't have trouble with was LVM.
I'm not sure you've got the whole idea of LVM right here. It
shouldn't be creating an .img file at all.
You don't create a logical volume, that's what Xen creates when it
creates the machine. You give it a Volume Group into which it creates
a logical volume of the size dictated by your virtual machine creation
Or have I got the wrong end of the stick of your question?
So, by all means create a Volume Group using your entire disk space
(in fact I created several physical partitions, one volume group and
added all those partitions to that group, because I was advised that
LVM drops partitions if they ever begin to get bad sectors so I didn't
want it to drop my entire disk in such an eventuality). Then (I was
using xen-tools) put the name of that Volume Group in the xen-
tools.conf file and then, when I invoke the creation script it creates
a new logical volume (two if you also want it to have a swap partition).
Those resultant logical volumes appear in /dev/<volume group>/ as new
block devices and not as .img files.
Does that give any clues?
On 29 Aug 2008, at 17:38, Charlie Reddington wrote:
Thanks for the reply I'll fill in some blanks..... I normally
disable selinux accross the board but I haven't done so yet. I have
however set it to permissive, assuming it would let things slide but
only complain about it.
I'll give it a whack with selinux disabled and see if it has any
changes for me.....
On Aug 29, 2008, at 11:16 AM, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
disk = [ "tap:aio:/var/lib/xen/images/vm-01-dns-2.img,xvda,w" ]
I haven't used tap:aio, and I also use ' not " but looks fine I
Using SELinux I presume:)
It goes through and I just pick the default layout, which sets it up
with an LVM. (this is where I think I may be wrong in doing so?)
Ahh, so it's the guest vm that gives the error?
After the point of setting up my disk space it goes on to format the
filesystem, and fails almost immediately with a somewhat large dump
ending with that origanl message.
It obviously sees the disc but pukes on writing to it?
So you have exported it *into* your guest correctly, but it has
issues writing
which leads me to maybe an SELinux issue? Go into /var/lib/xen/
images and do an ll -Z.
I get this for all my images...
-rwxrwxr-x root root system_u:object_r:xen_image_t vm-01-dns-2.img
Look at your image file, does it have the right context?
Go here for explanation, http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/Xen
And it appears that I have the right context from my understanding
of it.
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