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[Xen-users] Long delay during boot of virtual machine when no CD in CD-R

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] Long delay during boot of virtual machine when no CD in CD-ROM drive
From: Jörg Spilker <js@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 18:15:25 +0200
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when starting a guest domain (using OpenSUSE 11.0 for host and guest) the startup process lasts very long. The logfile of the guest shows the following entries:
<4>XENBUS: Waiting for devices to initialise: 
<4>XENBUS: Device not ready: device/vbd/2816

using xenstore-ls, i was able to recognize /vbd/2816 as the cd-rom device

this is part of my config:

disk=[ 'phy:/dev/domX/daolin_root,sda1,w'
     , 'phy:/dev/domX/daolin_boot,sda2,w'
     , 'phy:/dev/domX/daolin_usr,sda3,w'
     , 'phy:/dev/domX/daolin_opt,sda4,w'
     , 'phy:/dev/domX/daolin_var,sda5,w'
     , 'phy:/dev/domX/daolin_src,sda6,w'
     , 'phy:/dev/domX/daolin_tmp,sda7,w'
     , 'phy:/dev/data/home,sda8,w'
     , 'phy:/dev/data/foto,sda9,w'
     , 'phy:/dev/data/imap,sda10,w'
     , 'phy:/dev/data/news,sda11,w'
     , 'phy:/dev/data/squid,sda12,w'
     , 'phy:/dev/data/srv,sda13,w'
     , 'phy:/dev/cdrom,sr0:cdrom,r']

i´m able to solve this problem when there is a disk inserted into the cd-rom device. But i think this is not an ideal solution. Is this the normal behaviour when propagating the cd-rom device of the host to the virtual machine? Are there better options to do this?
Greetings, Jörg

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